Glass in building - determination of the bending strength of glass - part 3 : test with specimen supported at two points four points bending 建筑玻璃.玻璃弯曲强度测定.第3部分:两点支撑试样试验
The correlation between 300m steel surface stress and barkhausen signal has been studied by applying four points bending and analyzed with the magnetostrictive model 摘要采用四点弯曲加载,研究300m钢表层应力与巴克豪森信号值的关系,并用磁滞伸缩模型对试验结果进行了分析。
Then the penalty finite element formula can be derived through galerkin weighted residual method . to test the model , the paper calculate a cantilever sample and a four point bending beam under near static load and sinusoidal load 针对浸泡在液体中的悬臂梁试件和四点弯曲试件,计算了在受跃阶载荷和正弦载荷作用时的变形、流动以及流动电场分布。
Afterward the numerical method was used to decompose the inherited integration , so the matrix form of constitution equations was derived . then through utilizing the lagrange equation directly , the paper gets the finite element formula . to test the model , the paper calculate the osteoblast ' s dynamic response under near static load and sinusoidal load at a simple tension beam and a four point bending beam 针对单向拉伸和四点弯曲两种离体培养成骨细胞的装置,再根据实际情况,将培养基看成是一种多孔材料,而将成骨细胞看成是粘弹性体,利用自编的有限元分析程序分别计算了受拟静态载荷和受交变载荷下细胞的动力响应,结果很好地反映了细胞的粘弹性性质。
Experimental and finite element analysis of three point bending ( tpb ) test were conducted . it is found material ' s anisotropy of anisotropic materials and poission ' s ratio of isotropic materials all had influence on contact deformation between specimen and fixture . so it is wise to get flexural properties using four point bending test 4 .通过试验和有限元分析发现,造成对三点弯曲试验测得的三维编织复合材料的弯曲模量远低于四点弯曲试验结果的原因:材料的各向异性和泊松比对于三点弯曲试验的压头和支座处的局部接触变形影响很大
( 2 ) the properties of gfrp reinforced polymer concrete beams and prestressed polymer concrete beams are tested by four point bending experiments , the result show : gfrp rods can be satisfied the stiffness request ; it ' s very necessary and effective to use prestressed beam to minish the defection , enhance the crazed load and reduce the width of the cracks ( 2 )通过对gfrp筋增强树脂混凝土普通梁和预应力梁进行四点弯曲实验,表明:利用玻璃钢筋作为增强筋在强度方面是可以满足要求的;对玻璃钢筋施加预应力来减小挠度,提高混凝土的开裂强度,以及缩小裂纹宽度是非常必要也是很有效的。
The result shows that the potential difference between the upper side and bottom side of the cantilever sample present the biphasic pulse when it is under step load , the result also shows the potential between the upper side and bottom side of the four point bending beam adds with the frequency of load , but the phase difference changes opposite from the potential 结果表明流动电位差在跃阶载荷作用下存在双脉冲现象,而在受交变载荷时其值随载荷频率的增加而增加并趋于平缓,其相位差则与电位差的变化刚好相反,这与gross和salzstein等的结果一致。